
  • Real name: Olivia.
  • 30-something “cube dweller” wife/mom, who has a raging 1950’s housewife with a frilly apron, and perfectly coiffed hair-do as her alter ego.
  • I love a lot of things.  I don't have a niche.  Shiny objects catch my attention and I'm off in another direction.
  • I don't like being boxed in...I love to try all sort of things.  I think this is an "affliction" any type of creative person suffers from.
  • I have to do something creative each day or I'll punch someone (not really!).  Even if that means taking 5 minutes to doodle at work or fold an origami paper crane.  I don't know what it is, but it ceases tension and makes me happy.
  • I'm a devoted wife and mama of two awesome kids.  My daughter Penelope (Peepers, Peeps, Peanut)  is 8 and my son Gregory (Jr. Mint, Monkey, Papa Bear) is 4. I try to be perfect for them, but I fail miserably each and every day.  But one thing I know they know I do perfectly is love them with all that I have.
  • I work a full-time job outside of the home.  It's the stuff dreams are made of.  Just kidding...it pays the bills.
  • I'm 36. I've never felt compelled to shy away from my age.  I like each year.  36 has been the best so far with a lot of self-realization that I think just comes naturally with this specific age.  I definitely don't feel like a 20-something anymore, and I don't feel old either.  I feel confident with who I am as a person and I truly believe a person cannot achieve this until their mid-30's.
  • I believe food can cure anything and bring people together from all walks of life.  You don't believe me?  Intently observe an office potluck sometime.
  • I live on a farm.  Okay, it's not a "farm" per se, but I live on an acre smack dab in the middle of the Phoenix Metropolis in a hidden neighborhood somehow the urban sprawl skipped, and I have a horse and two dogs...I think it's a farm.  City surrounds me, yet my little Serendipity is my country haven.  We named it Serendipity, because that is exactly what she is.  I've had many houses since I've left my parents home many years ago.  Serendipity is the first to feel like home since the days of childhood.
  • I love photography.  I'm a self-taught manual shooter.  I love to take pictures of things and gritty landscapes.  Not people.  Unless they are my own people.
  • I love lip gloss and paper.
  • Oh yeah. One day long ago, my honey just called me SugarBear, it stuck, and I still love it every.single.time he calls me it.



I love to cuss.  F*ck is probably my favorite word.  I will give it my best
shot to not cuss, but consider this your fair warning.

This is not a step-by-step blog.  Meaning my posts for DIY, Recipes,
Crafts, whatever will probably have a picture* and general directions.
Create your version as you see fit.

*My pictures on my DIY, Recipes, Crafts, Whatever posts will probably be
taken at night, compensated with some crappy lighting I currently have in
my kitchen.  C'est la vie.  This blog is a reflection of my real life.  A
popular blogger once wrote that pictures on a blog should be taken within
optimal conditions in order to keep your readership happy.  I agree, if
this blog were my full-time gig, I would gladly comply.  Until then, I hope you'll be happy with my Instagram life.
Oh, and don't steal my stuff.  It's just mean.  Give credit where credit is due and move along.  You know what they say about Karma.

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